Think about retirement while you are young

Retirement is a big deal for all of us although most people only remember to deal and plan for it when they are getting too close to their retirement age. Planning your retirement when young is not just smart it is crucial to successful retirement.

Retirement for most of us is something that will happen long in the future. At the age of 60 or 65 we will stop going to work and start living our free life. The problem with stop going to work is however that that monthly paycheck that we use for everything from food to paying for our car and home will also stop. This makes retirement a challenge. How do you pay for everything that you do during your retirement?

Most people ignore the retirement financial question until it can be too late. The simple answer to how you pay for your retirement is by saving money all your life and then using that money when you retire. It is common sense that the earlier you start saving the more money you can save until you hit retirement. For many that saving is in the form of a retirement 401K plan but there are many other options for how to save your money.

Saving money is not enough. If you would just put your money in a market money account and let it sit there until retirement you would probably have it lose its value quite a bit over those many years. So saving money must be combined with investing the money. Investment is not risk free though. In general it is common for younger people to invest more aggressively in the stock market as in the long run the stock market has always been the best avenue for financial growth. The older people get though the closer they are to their retirement and the less aggressive they should be.

The goals of retirement investment should change from growth to maintaining your money value. In early days when retirement is far away being more aggressive with your investments trying to optimize growth and gains is a smart thing to do. As you getting closer and closer to retirement moving a larger and larger portion of your savings toward safer financial instruments that do not provide high gains but can keep the money value with relatively low or no risk at all is the way to go.

When you eventually reach that retirement phase of life you should have completely all of your savings put in risk free value keeping financial instruments. During retirement you should not invest for growth or risk your money. Remember as opposed to when you were young if you lose money during your retirement years you have no real way to make it again and replenish that broken saving account.

Saving for retirement also allow for some tax benefits as the government would like to encourage such savings. For example 401K retirement plans as well as some other IRA retirement account plans allow for deferred taxes letting you save and invest your pre tax money for maximum benefits.

By : blane.house1380
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